Weather "Proofing"
This service is to protect your board against water, dirt, and dust. While the weather-proofing significantly reduces the likelihood of water damage , it's important to note that even though it is sealed at the time it leaves our facility be weary that it will wear over time and requires seasonal reapplication in order to ensure that your board is as protected as it can be.
This service is to protect your board against water, dirt, and dust. While the weather-proofing significantly reduces the likelihood of water damage , it's important to note that even though it is sealed at the time it leaves our facility be weary that it will wear over time and requires seasonal reapplication in order to ensure that your board is as protected as it can be.
This service is to protect your board against water, dirt, and dust. While the weather-proofing significantly reduces the likelihood of water damage , it's important to note that even though it is sealed at the time it leaves our facility be weary that it will wear over time and requires seasonal reapplication in order to ensure that your board is as protected as it can be.