Onewheel Hall Sensor Replacement Board


Rewiring your Hypercore? or just needing to replace a stock hall sensor board? look no further then The JK Floating Hall Sensor Board! We took the general design sraight from the stock hall sensor board and reworked it to make an almost exact copy of the stock board!

This replacment will work on all Hypercore Motors!

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Rewiring your Hypercore? or just needing to replace a stock hall sensor board? look no further then The JK Floating Hall Sensor Board! We took the general design sraight from the stock hall sensor board and reworked it to make an almost exact copy of the stock board!

This replacment will work on all Hypercore Motors!

Rewiring your Hypercore? or just needing to replace a stock hall sensor board? look no further then The JK Floating Hall Sensor Board! We took the general design sraight from the stock hall sensor board and reworked it to make an almost exact copy of the stock board!

This replacment will work on all Hypercore Motors!